
Pootle developers try to stick to some development standards that are gathered in this document.

Python and documentation

For Python code and documentation Pootle follows the Translate Styleguide adding extra clarifications listed below.

Pootle-specific Python guidelines

Pootle has specific conventions for Python coding style.


Like in Python import conventions in Translate styleguide, but imports should be grouped in the following order:

  1. __future__ library imports
  2. Python standard library imports
  3. Third party libraries imports (Including Translate Toolkit ones)
  4. Django imports
  5. Django external apps imports
  6. Other Pootle apps imports
  7. Current package (or app) imports, using explicit relative imports (See PEP 328)

Check Python import conventions in Translate styleguide for other conventions that the imports must follow.

import re
import sys.path as sys_path
import time
from datetime import timedelta
from os import path

from lxml.html import fromstring
from import versioncontrol

from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
from django.db import models
from django.db.models import Q
from django.db.models.signals import post_save

from tastypie.models import ApiKey

from pootle_language.models import Language
from pootle_translationproject.models import TranslationProject

from .forms import GoalForm
from .models import Tag

Order in models

Model’s inner classes and methods should keep the following order:

  • Database fields
  • Non database fields
  • Default objects manager
  • Custom manager attributes (i.e. other managers)
  • class Meta
  • def natural_key() (Because it is tightly related to model fields)
  • Properties
  • Any method decorated with @classmethod
  • def __unicode__()
  • def __str__()
  • Any other method starting with __ (for example __init__())
  • def save()
  • def delete()
  • def get_absolute_url()
  • def get_translate_url()
  • Any custom methods

Fields in models and forms

  • If the field declaration fits in one line:
    • Put all the options on that line,
    • Don’t put a comma after the last option,
    • The parenthesis that closes the field declaration goes just after the last option.
  • If the field declaration spans to several lines:
    • Each option goes on its own line (including the first one),
    • The options are indented 4 spaces,
    • The last option must have a comma after it,
    • The closing parenthesis in the field declaration goes on its own line, aligned with the first line in the field declaration.
class SampleForm(forms.Form):
    # Field declaration that spans to several lines.
    language = forms.ChoiceField(
        label=_('Interface Language'),
            'class': 'js-select2 select2-language',
        help_text=_('Default language for using on the user interface.'),
    # One line field declaration.
    project = forms.ModelChoiceField(Project, required=True)

URL patterns

When writing the URL patterns:

  • URL patterns can be grouped by putting a blank line between the groups.
  • On each URL pattern:
    • Specify the URL pattern using the url() function, not a tuple.
    • Each parameter must go on its own line in all cases, indenting them one level to allow easily seeing the different URL patterns.
    • In URLs:
      • Use hyphens, never underscores.
      • To split long URLs use implicit string continuation. Note that URLs are raw strings.
  • URL pattern names must be named like pootle-{app}-{view} (except in some specific cases):
    • {app} is the app name, which sometimes can be shortened, e.g. using tp to avoid the longish translationproject. The chosen app name must be used consistently across all the URL patterns for the app.
    • {view} is a unique string which might consist on several words, separated with hyphens, that might not match the name of the view that is handled by the URL pattern.
    • The exceptions to this naming convention are:
      • URL patterns for AJAX views must be named like pootle-xhr-{view}.
      • URL patterns in pootle_app app must be named like:
        • pootle_app admin URLs must be named like pootle-admin-{view}
        • Other pootle_app URLs must be named like pootle-{view}.
urlpatterns = patterns('pootle_project.views',
    # Listing of all projects.

    # Whatever URLs.

    # Admin URLs.

Variables naming

In order to have a more consistent code the use of specific names for some heavily used variables is encouraged:

  • ctx: Name for the dictionary with the context passed to a template for rendering. Also known as context, template variables or template vars.

    # Good.
    ctx = {
        'language': language,
    # Bad.
    context = {
    templatevars = {
    template_vars = {

Settings naming

Pootle specific settings must be named like POOTLE_*, for example: POOTLE_ENABLE_API, POOTLE_VCS_DIRECTORY or POOTLE_MARKUP_FILTER

Pootle-specific documentation guidelines

For documenting several things, Pootle defines custom Sphinx roles.

  • Settings:

    .. setting:: POOTLE_TITLE

    To link to a setting, use :setting:`POOTLE_TITLE`.

  • Icons:

    Some reference to |icon:some-icon| in the text.

    This allows you to easily add inline images of icons used in Pootle. The icons are all files from pootle/static/images/sprite. If you were referring to an icon icon-edit.png then you would use the syntax |icon:icon-edit|. The icon reference is always prefixed by icon: and the name of the icon is used without the extension.

    E.g. |icon:icon-google-translate| will insert this icon google translate icon icon.

  • Pootle and Django commands:

    .. django-admin:: sync_stores

    To link to a command, use :djadmin:`sync_stores


Follow the great Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide. Go check it out for all the details.

As a summary, that includes:

  • 2-space indent.
  • Single quotes.
  • pascalCase variable naming.

In addition to that:

  • Try to be in the 80 (+4) soft character limit, but be wise to know when to make exceptions.
  • Use ES2015.
  • Avoid jQuery.

When dealing with existing or legacy code, also keep in mind to:

  • Prefix with $ Variables holding jQuery objects.
  • Use js- to prefix selectors for elements queried via JavaScript.

React + JSX

For React + JSX code also follow the Airbnb React/JSX Style Guide, with the following exceptions:

  • Naming extensions: Use .js extension for React components (not .jsx).
  • Use React.createClass({}) over extending React.Component.

Also bear in mind the following:

  • Event handler naming: handle*() for methods, on*() for props.
  • propTypes: sort them alphabetically, but also group them to place isRequired types first.


  • Indent using 2 spaces. Don’t use tabs.
  • Although it’s desirable to avoid lines longer than 80 characters, most of the time the templating library doesn’t easily allow this. So try not to extend too much the line length.
Template naming
  • If a template name consists on several words they must be joined using underscores (never hyphens), e.g. my_precious_template.html
  • If a template is being used in AJAX views, even if it is also used for including it on other templates, the first word on its name must be xhr, e.g. xhr_tag_form.html.
  • If a template is intended to be included by other templates, and it is not going to be used directly, start its name with an underscore, e.g. _included_template.html.
  • Always use double quotes for HTML attribute values.

  • Always use single quotes for Django template tags and template filters located inside HTML attribute values.

    <!-- Good -->
    <a href="{% url 'whatever' %}" class="highlight">


  • Indent using 4 spaces. Don’t use tabs.
  • Put selectors and braces on their own lines.


    background-color: #eee;


.foo-bar, .foo-bar:hover {
  background-color: #eee;
  • Selectors should all be in lowercase and consequent words should be separated using dashes. As an example, rather use .tm-results and not .TM_results.