amaGama API

TM suggestion request

The URL structure for requesting TM suggestions is <SERVER>/tmserver/<SOURCE_LANGUAGE>/<TARGET_LANGUAGE>/unit/<QUERY> where:

Placeholder Description
<SERVER> The URL of the amaGama server
<SOURCE_LANGUAGE> Source language code: de, en, en_GB
<TARGET_LANGUAGE> Target language: ar, es_AR, fr, hi
<QUERY> The URL escaped string to be queried


<SOURCE_LANGUAGE> and <TARGET_LANGUAGE> should be language codes in the form of LANG_COUNTRY where LANG is mandatory. LANG should be a language code from ISO 639 and COUNTRY a country code from ISO 3166. The following are valid examples: ar, de, en, en_GB, es_AR, fr, gl, hi, tlh,...

For example:

Providing options

It is possible to provide some options in the request URL by using a query string with one or more or the following fields.

Option Description
min_similarity The minimum similarity between the string to be searched and the strings to match. See Levenshtein distance. Minimum possible value is 30. Default value is 70.
max_candidates The maximum number of results. Default value is 5.

For example:

TM suggestion results

The results from a TM suggestion request are provided in JSON format. It is a list containing zero or more results. The results contain the following fields:

Field Description
source Matching unit’s source language text
target Matching unit’s target language test
quality A Levenshtein distance measure of quality as percent
rank ?

An example:

    "source": "Computer",
    "quality": 100.0,
    "target": "Rekenaar",
    "rank": 100.0
    "source": "Computers",
     "quality": 88.888888888888886,
     "target": "Rekenaars",
     "rank": 100.0
     "source": "&Computer",
     "quality": 88.888888888888886,
     "target": "Rekenaar",
     "rank": 100.0
     "source": "_Computer",
     "quality": 88.888888888888886,
     "target": "_Rekenaar",
     "rank": 100.0
     "source": "My Computer",
     "quality": 72.727272727272734,
     "target": "My Rekenaar",
     "rank": 100.0